It usually happens in the winter seasons of our lives... when long-standing dreams go unfulfilled, prayers seemingly go unanswered and our hope grows cold. Perhaps it was a time of disappointment or even deep loss. Maybe it was the endless distractions, demands and busyness of life that wore us out and our hearts began to yawn with a weariness that became harder and harder to fight. Whatever the reason, we find ourselves here.... going through the motions.... living a small story and settling for the status quo. We know there must be more to life than this, but we don't quite know how to rouse ourselves from slumber.
"Columbia Rock Awakening" by Kristen Simons
Imagine what it might look like to be fully awake...fully alive to the person you were designed to be! Imagine if the chains of apathy and lethargy fell to the ground and you were free to embrace LIFE, the life you were born to live. Dare to imagine that this could be possible for YOU...not just for someone else...but truly for YOU. Sometimes it is tempting to just stay asleep...curled up into our comfort zones...but you were made for so much more and you'll never be satisfied with a shriveled version of your life. You were made to intimately connect with the Author of your life and to live a Bigger Story! It's a journey well-worth taking. It's time to AWAKEN TO LIFE!